Katia Hildebrandt, Meagan Dobson, and Raquel Oberkirsch, “‘You mean I spent all day here and I’m not leaving with a single lesson plan?’ Reflections on planning #TreatyEdCamp,” Paper presentation for the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, ON, May 2017
Meagan Dobson and Raquel Oberkirsch, “Witness Not Tourist: Our Journey in Working Toward Reconciliation,” Discussion session, Investigating Our Practices Conference, Regina, SK, February 2016
Katia Hildebrandt and Raquel Bellefleur, “Becoming (a) subject: Tracing narratives of performance and privilege in the development of anti-oppressive educators,” Paper presentation, Discourse, Power, Resistance Conference, London, England, April 2015